I stifle a scream and dig them out. She definitely went further than I've ever attempted. I actually tear up a little bit, but I manage to recover, and everything seems fine. Then, I feel a gush of what I assumed was snot running out of my nostril. I put up my hand to catch it while I look for a kleenex and juggle the baby. Jason sees my frantic movements, looks over and says, "Why don't you give me the baby and go take care of that." I'm confused for a minute; I mean, all I need is a tissue! But then I look at my hand and see a copious amount of bright red. Arg! I hand Jason the baby and run to the bathroom trying not to drip any blood on the church's new tiles. I make it, look in the mirror, and see blood smeared all over my face. The wound is so far up my nose, I'm actually swallowing blood. My teeth are bright red, and all I can taste is salty metal. I forget all that I learned in first aid training and hold my nose while tilting my head back. Fortunately, the bleeding stops as suddenly as it started, and I just have to clean up the mess that is currently all over my face and hands. I finish up, and make it back just in time to receive communion. Lucie seems happy to see me, and turns on the baby charm. I think it was her way of apologizing.
Recent pictures of my little hellion:
Um... hi... I was, uh, just putting these clothes back for you. Yeah... that's it. I was cleaning up.
You can buy me on that site too, for the low low price of $49.95 plus tax.
hey alli!
so i hear all about your awesome cakes from ali and was wondering if you're available to make a birthday cake for my sister's 30th birthday next month.
email me and let me know kourtneyraine at gmail dot com
ps, the kid is so stinkin' cute.
Keep up the good work.
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