Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.

Well, I've been hoping that my students would provide me with some good blog material, but they are a very different group than last year. They are fun and all, but a lot of the goofy things that happen in class are very visual and would be pointless to describe on a blog. Last year's group was extremely verbal. Plus they had Skulk boy, and to be honest, I think he was the only reason this blog kept going. I'm going to have to resort to goofy husband stories to keep this thing alive.
Last night was the final class in the childbirth education series we were attending. Our instructor ended the day with a Jeopardy-esque review game. I kinda get really competitive with things like this, and I'm pretty good at remembering useless information, so Team Mom was basically mopping the floor with Team Support People. (It's not Team Husband or Team Daddy, mind you.) Jason then started getting desperate and just began shouting out random terms from class, hoping that he might stumble across the right answer. His answers included "Kegels," "perenium," and "squatting." (He did manage to get one right).
Then, after the game, one of the nurses asked the support people what concerned them the most about labor and delivery. After some of the other support people gave legitimate answers, Jason put on his sincere face and said, "I'm worried that if her labor is too long we'll run out of Arrested Development Season Three episodes to watch." The class leader laughed and told him that the nurses usually will turn off the TV while I'm in the pushing stage anyway. Jason immediately responded, "Not if I'm holding the remote!" He was really intense about it too, so I think he made her a little uneasy. He's pretty good at making awkward scenes in public. If we have a girl, I think she will live in constant fear that her father will embarrass her in public. Does anyone have a good embarrassing father moment? If so, please share!

Playing in my head: "Agony" from Into the Woods
Reading: The Empty Mirror- James Lincoln Collier

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