Lots of news since my last post. Brian graduated and moved to NYC, and we realized that IKEA makes up one of the lower circles of hell. The place has fun stuff, and the prices are good, but, merciful heavens, it is impossible to navigate! We should have realized that it was the devil store when security guards ran out to break up a fight between an irate frat guy and some ghetto fabulous chick on our way in. It's like, you go into the place relaxed and looking forward to the new space-efficient desk you are about to purchase, and you come out looking to impale somebody with the pieces.
More conflict news! I witnessed a SERIOUS bout of road rage on my way to summer care a few weeks ago. A couple of crazy dudes in pick-up trucks were trying to run each other off the road, and then they both pulled into a parking lot. Crazy Man #1 opened #2's passenger door, leapt into the cab of the truck and started swinging. Crazy Man #2 reacted with kicks and punches. Conscientious citizen that I am, I called 911 and then got the hell out of there. There's no telling what crazy men in pick-ups can do.
Happy news! The ultrasound showed that Baby is healthy and kicking (ALOT!). He/she is fourteen ounces, and is officially due on November 12th.
Let's end it with a kid quote of the week. Background: "J" has a serious problem with his impulses. Anytime something or someone bothers him, he reacts by hitting/punching/biting/kicking. I have told him time and time again that he needs to calm down, but he's not really getting it. After putting him in time out for throttling another kid, I tell him AGAIN that he needs to find a more appropriate way to communicate his frustration. He responds by snapping, "I can't help it! That's just the way my mother raised me!" No joke. And the kid is going into third grade. Now, I want to know where in the world he picked up that phrase. Was it media, parents, teachers, friends, or something else completely? What do ya'll think?
Currently reading: Nothing, because I am trying to plan my entire school year.
Playing: "The Scientist"- Coldplay
1 comment:
Oh yeah, well my mother raised me to smack in the face kids who were raised like your mother raised you! Now shape up!
That's what you shoulda said.
Question: is the "J" for Jason? Cause Jason kicks and bites me a LOT.
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