Thursday, May 25, 2006

Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol! Soul Patrol!

I think I have a serious problem. I have a really unhealthy attachment to all things related to American Idol and a certain Southern gentleman named Taylor Hicks. While watching the finale last night, I realized that had I a gun in my hand, and had Kat won, I very possibly would have shot out the TV Elvis-style.
Oh, 'twas a joyous night in the Glidewell house. I screamed. Mom screamed. I clapped and sang along with all of the duets and ridiculous Idol medleys, including "I Had the Time of My Life." I made disparaging remarks about Taylor's competitor and her family, referring to her solely as "that brazen hussy." I just don't know what comes over me. I realize that most of the arrangements are awful and that the show itself is brainless and low-quality, but I LOVE IT!! Help.

Playing in my head- "You Are So Beautiful"- Taylor Hicks

1 comment:

Mrs. Sara said...

Your baby is fat.