Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Now what else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy...

Life is so empty now that the play is over. Sigh. Let's do another!! C'mon everyone! I'll hold auditions in my parents' basement, and we can perform it on their front lawn. You pick the play, I'll direct, Mom will make costumes, and Jason can do sets! It'll be just like in elementary school when I directed self-written plays, cast all of the neighborhood kids, and made all of their parents feel really guilty if they didn't attend. Anyway, to all of the 8th graders who read this, you did a lovely job, and I have received nothing but compliments about you.
In other news, I'm researching hospital birth to see if it is as awful as the hippies tell me it is. So far, it seems like it really depends on the hospital, the doctor, and the mom. I'm going to tour a few hospitals and ask them all of my obnoxious questions, and then I'll figure it out for sure. In the meantime, I'd like to share the most entertaining article I've read on the evils of hospital birth. It's more of an anthropological article than a medical one, but I think all of the granola-eaters and/or feminists out there will enjoy it. Note: I don't think it's quite pertinent, since most of his research was conducted from 1983-1991, and hospitals have come a long way in the past 10 years, but it is a good read nonetheless. Merry Christmas, ya'll: The Rituals of American Hospital Birth.

Playing in my head: "These Foolish Things"- Etta James
Reading: The DaVinci Code- Dan Brown (I'm soooo scandalicious)


Mrs. Sara said...

And by "the hippies" you mean me, don't you? DON'T YOU???

Good for you, asking obnoxious questions. Nothing better than an informed pregnant woman! They're gonna LOVE you over there! Hee hee hee.

My favorite hippie literature I ever read was the one that said, "There's nothing a doctor would like more than to put your baby in danger for his own convenience!" LMAO. Oh, that's rich. Oh, goodness. Dearie me.

The kids did GREAT! That obnoxious couple guffawing in the audience Thursday night was me and Dan. We were hysterical!

Alli said...

Maybe... Naw.. more like the nuts writing the article I mentioned. Did you read it? It's hysterical.

Mrs. Sara said...

No, I didn't yet. I'll read it tomorrow. I may agree with it a little more than you did, though. :)

NO SHAVING! DON'T LET THEM DO IT! Take it from me. I'm serious. Let's talk about this later.