Friday, April 21, 2006

I wonder what they do teach them at these schools.

Classroom Tidbits

*All of my students are aware of my preggers status; some think it's hilarious to try to get me to puke, others are giving me lists of baby names, others ask, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" every single day. However, I think the best incident occurred when my 7th graders came running in excitedly after a rousing health lesson. "Mrs. Carter! Mrs. Carter," they screech. "We learned ALL about birth today!!! It's gonna HURT!!! But don't get an epi-thingy, 'cause that's bad for the baby." Thanks, kids. Now was that an epidural or an episiotomy?

*I asked my 8th graders to create humorous guides to dating. Here are some of the more amusing tips: "Don't be fat, ugly, or stupid," "Dinner: Guy must buy or else he is a pansy," "Don't act like yourself. No one will like the real you," "The way to a guy's heart is food; the way to a girl's heart is diamonds," "After getting acquainted with the apple of your eye, it's best to ignore him/her for a few days," and finally "Don't tell your girl that you are getting tips from a pair of 8th-graders who have never been on a date in their lives."

*Come see the class play at 7:00 PM on May 18th and 19th. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get to see Skulk Boy in a cape.

Currently Playing- "Smile"- Remy Zero


Brian said...

Wow, your class is apparently every comedian from the 80s. AND WHAT'S WITH GUYS NOT ASKING DIRECTIONS AM I RIGHT?

But seriously. Name your baby Taco Bell: The Movie.

Mrs. Sara said...

Taco Bell 2: A Border For The Runs

Mrs. Sara said...

I hope your students feel really bad now for trying to make you yak. They sure did it this time, Sicky McBarfsalot.

Sarafu said...

YES to an Epidural, and NO to an episiatomy (SP?)