I think I have to come to terms with the fact that what was supposed to be a teacher-blog is now a mom-blog. It had to happen sometime. Ah well.
So now that this is a mom-blog, I'm going to post about my first mom-blog issue: Vaccines. The hippie moms hate 'em, so I decided to look into the controversy over the possible link between autism and immunizations. I found enough information to solve that dilemma for now, but I ran across some information that was much more startling from a pro-life standpoint. Several vaccines are actually made from the cell lines of aborted fetuses. I was shocked to hear that news, since I received no warning from my pediatrician, my baby books, or even my church community/ies. If this information concerns or interests you, here are some links that can help you get started on your research:
Children of God for Life
This site has all kinds of great information on how the unethical vaccines are made, petitions for ethical vaccines, and articles with citations from medical journals and other reputable sources. There is also a chart listing all vaccines made from aborted fetal cell lines and ethical alternatives to those vaccines. (If they exist) Problematic vaccines include MMR, polio, rabies, Hep A and Typhoid, Hep A and B, Chickenpox, rheumatoid arthritis, shingles, sepsis, and others that are currently in development.
American Life League
Do a search for "vaccines" and you'll find stuff ranging from open letters to manufactures of unethical vaccines to Catholic perspectives on vaccines. (I couldn't find much information from other denominations)
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Information Center
On the left you'll find a list of all of the major vaccines under the heading, "A Look At Each Vaccine." You can read about how the vaccines are made; if it lists human diploid cells, fibroblast cells from human embryos, or cell lines from human fetuses, then there is a problem. You can also learn about each disease so you know what your child might face if you opt not to vaccinate him/her.
Vaccine Schedule for Babies
A pdf file from the Center for Disease Control. This will help you know when to expect an unethical vaccine so that you can talk with your pediatrician ahead of time.
In conclusion, I do feel that vaccinations are a good thing; so many devastating diseases have been virtually wiped out in the US because of them. However, I think that we need to hold the medical community accountable to a high standard of ethics. Parents should be informed about what they are putting into their children, and I think the government and the medical community should be completely straightforward about issues that may cause moral problems for their patients. Also, you do have options if you want to refuse certain vaccines and still enroll your child in a public school. You can apply to the CDC for a waiver based on religious convictions, and I believe that schools are required by law to accept your child. Please pass this information on to parents you know so that they can make informed decisions. Do research! Don't wind up like me; I found out about the polio vaccine AFTER Lucie had hers. I went into a Charlton-Heston-esque rage, tearing my shirt and screaming, "Polio vaccine is PEOPLE!" (Not really, but I do feel like a massive tool) Just think: if enough people boycott the vaccines made from human embryos, the medical community will have to come up with widespread ethical alternatives. Let's try to make this world a more just place by speaking out for those who have no voices.
Three things:
#1. You ARE NOT a tool. You're more of a goofball, really.
#2. I love the Catholics. They really have their moral stuff together. Example drawn from a bumper sticker: "You can't be Catholic AND Pro-Choice." BAM, suckers. Try and argue with THAT.
#3. Did you know that the LCMS website has an article on it that states that chemical birth control is not really abortifacient? I know, I was as shocked as you are. They do have resolutions that state to the contrary, but the very first hit when searching "birth control" is an article on how people who think that it's abortifacient are misinformed.
#4. You're hott.
I just wanted to say hi, Allison... I've been lurking on your blog for months now - I love your writing! And your daughter is gorgeous... she really is beautiful. Those eyes!
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for writing, and maybe I'll see you at Homecoming this year!
I'm a friend of Sara's and have an autistic daughter, so I'm obviously VERY interested in the link between autism and vaccines. Just wanted to THANK YOU for researching this topic for your family! The biggest problem with this issue is that parents aren't educated, and the saddest part is that the lack of education IS THEIR CHOICE. As a mother who has had to walk this road for a decade, I passionately urge parents to do their homework. Vaccines are not required for pub lic school. Vaccines do not have to be combined (for example, a child can get measles, then 3 months later mumps, then 3 months later rubella. DO NOT PIGGYBACK THEM TOGETHER). Thank you also for posting about the aborted fetal tissue thing; this alone gives parents the option of signing a waiver in the public schools announcing you're against vaccines for religious reasons. I do it every year. Children of God for Life really do have their act together on that one!
Awesome post. I have vaccinated my children, basically because we started before I got educated about this topic. Anyway, I like to be an informed parent and KNOW what I'm putting into my children's bodies as well.
I need some posts on previously-discussed topics!
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