My return to blogging was inspired by a student comment. My students have to do quarterly World Watch reports, where they find a non-US news story, give an oral summary, and lead the class in prayer for that nation. I really stress the non-US part when I assign it. Well, last quarter "Rick" did a news article about
Not so much.
Today "Rick" gives his second quarter World Watch. He begins, "Former President Gerald Ford died on..." I smack my forehead. The class giggles. Rick continues his report, oblivious to the smatterings of laughter. He finishes, notices the class laughing, and says, "What?". "Molly" squeals, "Can I tell him? Can I tell him?" I say yes, and she excitedly informs him that contrary to popular belief, Gerald Ford was, in fact, the president of the UNITED STATES. "Y'know... the country you weren't supposed to report on..."
"Sam" looks at Rick quizzically and asks, "Didn't you do your last report on
"Oh... yeah. I wasn't supposed to was I?"
Sam shakes his head sadly, "Dude, this one was about the MAINLAND!"
I about died laughing. Maybe it isn't as funny in print, but I almost wet myself in class. I informed him that his comment was blog worthy, and high fives were enthusiastically exchanged. Yay students!
Evidence proving that Lucy is better than any baby ever made:
Currently playing in my head: "Anthony"- Nickel Creek
Reading: Eragon- Christopher Paolini
Wow, that baby has one huge noggin!
P.S. Your baby looks like my husband. :)
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